Every registered domain name has an owner, and by default, the registration details are made available to the public. The public can search that information by using WHOIS, which is a method of storing it. We’ll explore the WHOIS public database in this post to learn what data is kept there, why it’s accessible, and how to use it. We’ll also review various options for protecting the privacy of your personal data in the WHOIS database.
WHOIS in detail
WHOIS refers to a publicly accessible database that stores information about the owner(s) of registered domain names or modifications to their DNS settings.
The WHOIS database is governed by ICANN, the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. They have been performing this task since 1982. WHOIS describes itself as a “…free, publicly available directory containing the contact and technical information of registered domain name registrants.
In actual sense, different registries and registrars maintain the registration data in the WHOIS database from various locations. Name servers, such as Verisign, are the owners and administrators of domain extensions such as.com and.net; they are not retailers. Rather, they allow registrars, such as Namesilo.com, to sell and register their domains.

What prompted the creation of WHOIS?
The database was initially built as a directory containing the contact details “anyone transmitting data across the ARPANET,” which is an essential component of the modern Internet.
Consider this: The modern Internet that we are accustomed to is enormous. Most of the time, you can find anything on the Internet. However, how often have you given the source and author of the material some thought? Knowing the source of your information is crucial now more than ever due to the spread of fake news.
WHOIS enables the democratization of the internet. Anyone can access and utilize the database to discover the identity of the entities behind a domain name associated website, including corporations, businesses, law enforcement, and individual users.
In addition, a lot of people think the WHOIS database is an excellent resource for business prospects. You’ll need a domain name if you want to launch a website or take your business online. But once you get going, you might discover that someone else has already registered the domain name you want. To negotiate for the domain name you desire, you can use the WHOIS database to find their contact details.
What kind of information does WHOIS store?
The registrant of a domain name must provide accurate information at the time of registration. You might lose your domain name if you provide fraudulent information when registering it. “The domain name may be suspended or cancelled,” according to ICANN, “if the domain name registrant knowingly provides inaccurate information, fails to update information within seven days of any change, or does not respond within 15 days to an inquiry about accuracy.”
The information requested during domain name registration includes your:
- Name
- Phone number
- Physical address
- Email address

What if you don’t want your private information to be publicly available?
That’s a lot of sensitive information for anyone to have access to, especially on the Internet in general. As a domain name buyer, you might have privacy concerns about your contact details being publicly accessible on WHOIS. To solve this problem, most domain name registrars offer a domain privacy feature with each purchase. Instead of your details, WHOIS will display the registrar’s details instead whenever anyone looks up your domain name on the database.
Some domain registrars offer domain privacy and protection free of charge with every domain purchase. Examples are Namesilo and Namecheap. Others, such as Godaddy and Hostgator, charge a separate price for the feature, making their overall domain name prices more expensive.
Does WHOIS have any limitations?
Although the WHOIS database has a huge amount of data on registered domain names, not all of that information is displayed for each domain name. The database will always contain the registration details for some TLDs, such as .com and .net. Certain TLDs, such as.gov or.me, show fewer details. Furthermore, several domain extensions—such as .asia and .coop— don’t enable domain privacy, meaning that the registrant details are always accessible and searchable.
Aware that the internet’s rapid growth comes with various challenges, ICANN is constantly striving to enhance the WHOIS system.
To get the best from WHOIS, ensure you buy domain names from reputable sellers such as Namesilo.com. In addition to providing the most accurate information possible, they’ll make sure you have the resources necessary to safeguard and preserve domain privacy.

Ready to conduct a WHOIS lookup?
Looking up a domain name owner’s details is as easy as going to whois.com and pasting the name on the available search bar. The database will then provide the most accurate details they can find on your query. Remember, if you don’t want your contact details to be public, ensure your preferred registrar offers domain privacy and protection.